Help us make this the biggest, boldest, BEST tour yet by registering early, and encouraging all the artists in your life to come along for the ride in 2025. Whether you’re an old pro, tried it out a couple of times, or totally new to Sac Open Studios, this is the year to take the plunge and showcase your art for all to see!
So save the dates, start pumping up your portfolios, and get ready for a September to remember!
May 16: Registration Deadline
Aug 1: Guide Release Happy Hour
Sept 11: Kick-off Party & Preview Exhibit Opening
WKD 1: September 13th & 14th, 2025
WKD 2: September 20th & 21st, 2025
About Sac Open Studios
Sac Open Studios is presented FREE to the public by Verge Center for the Arts. Verge’s largest public program, Sac Open Studios spotlights the diverse range of artists who fill our region with art and culture. The central piece of Sac Open Studios is a self-guided artist studio tour which spans all of Sacramento County, West Sacramento, Davis and Woodland and takes place annually during the middle two weekends of September. The tour attracts over 200 participating artists and around 30,000 attendees annually.
Sac Open Studios Artist Participation includes:
- Inclusion in the in-person studio tour on Weekend 1 or Weekend 2, depending on your location. Traditionally, participating artists open their art studios to the public during their assigned weekend. During Sac Open Studios, the term art studio takes many forms. While many participating artists have traditional work spaces in studio facilities, many Sac Open Studios artists open their home studios or utilize other spaces such as cafés, community centers, garages or backyards to display their art during their assigned weekend.
- Full Color Artist Listing in the 2025 Sac Open Studios Guide.
- Opportunity to list an Artist Demo in the Sac Open Studios Guide. An artist demo is an educational artist demonstration presented at specific times during your assigned weekend. The demonstration should include step by step instructions to complete an artistic technique.
- Artist Profile in the online Sac Open Studios Artist Directory.
- Free enrollment (+ recording) of the Promote Your Open Studio Workshop.
- Discounted advertising rates in the 2024 Sac Open Studios Guide.
- Free guidance (on request) on how to create Artist Ads in Canva.
- Inclusion in the Preview Exhibition at Verge Center for the Arts.
Do you have a question about Sac Open Studios? Email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re able.