Terrie Gray

Colorado Barn on a Spring Morning
Carmichael, CA 95608
About Terrie Gray
Terrie Gray has always loved nature: as a child exploring wooded acres with her sister, as a mom introducing her children to wildflowers and pond critters, and as a teacher conducting wildlife surveys with students.
Shortly after moving to Folsom in 2008, Terrie met a scuba-diving friend who talked her into putting away her point-and-shoot camera in favor of a DSLR, and into getting certified as an underwater photographer. From that moment, photography became a serious passion. Since the best scuba diving is in exotic locations, Terrie has had many opportunities to travel, and always brings her camera along.
Terrie jokes that “if it’s alive, I’ll take pictures of it,” but some subjects, like wild horses, are more compelling than others. In 2016 she discovered that herds of wild mustangs still exist and can be found within driving distance. So far, her favorite places to see wild horses are near Mono Lake in California, and by the Salt River near Mesa, Arizona.
One thing that Terrie finds most rewarding about her photography is hearing people say, “Thank you for being my eyes! I will never go where you went, but now I can experience the beauty of it through your photography.”